Quick Guide to Flux v2 on AKS

Now that the Flux v2 extension for Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Arc is generally available, let’s do a quick guide on the topic. A Quick Guide, at least on this site 😉, is a look at the topic from a command-line perspective for easy reproduction and evaluation.

This Quick Guide is also on GitHub.


You need the following to run the commands:

  • An Azure subscription with a deployed AKS cluster; a single node will do
  • Azure CLI and logged in to the subscription with owner access
  • All commands run in bash, in my case in WSL 2.0 on Windows 11
  • kubectl and a working kube config (use az aks get-credentials)

Step 1: Register AKS-ExtensionManager and configure Azure CLI

Flux v2 is installed via an extension. The extension takes care of installing Flux controllers in the cluster and keeping them up-to-date when there is a new version. For extensions to work with AKS, you need to register the AKS-ExtensionManager feature in the Microsoft.ContainerService namespace.

Step 2: Install Flux v2

We can now install Flux v2 on an existing cluster. There are two types of clusters:

  • managedClusters: AKS
  • connectedClusters: Azure Arc-enabled clusters

To install Flux v2 on AKS and check the configuration, run the following commands:

The last command shows all the pods in the flux-system namespace. If you have worked with Flux without the extension, you will notice four familiar pods (deployments):

  • Kustomize controller: installs manifests (.yaml files) from configured sources, optionally using kustomize
  • Helm controller: installs Helm charts
  • Source controller: configures sources such as git or Helm repositories
  • Notification controller: handles notifications such as those sent to Teams or Slack

Microsoft adds two other services:

  • Flux config agent: communication with the data plane (Azure); reports back information to Azure about the state of Flux such as reconciliations
  • Flux configuration controller: manages Flux on the cluster; checks for Flux Configurations that you create with the Azure CLI

Step 3: Create a Flux configuration

Now that Flux is installed, we can create a Flux configuration. Note that Flux configurations are not native to Flux. A Flux configuration is an abstraction, created by Microsoft, that configures Flux sources and customizations for you. You can create these configurations from the Azure CLI. The configuration below uses a git repository https://github.com/gbaeke/gitops-flux2-quick-guide. It is a fork of https://github.com/Azure/gitops-flux2-kustomize-helm-mt.

⚠️ In what follows, we create a Flux configuration based on the Microsoft sample repo. If you want to create a repo and resources from scratch, see the Quick Guides on GitHub.

In the portal, you can check the configuration:

Flux config in the Azure Portal

The two kustomizations that you created, create other configuration objects such as Helm repositories and Helm releases. They too can be checked in the portal:

Configuration objects in the Azure Portal


With the Flux extension, you can install Flux on your cluster and keep it up-to-date. The extension not only installs the Flux open source components. It also installs Microsoft components that enable you to create Flux Configurations and report back status to the portal. Flux Configurations are an abstraction on top of Flux, that makes adding sources and kustomizations easier and more integrated with Azure.

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