AKS Workload Identity Revisited

A while ago, I blogged about Workload Identity. Since then, Microsoft simplified the configuration steps and enabled Managed Identity, in addition to app registrations.

But first, let’s take a step back. Why do you need something like workload identity in the first place? Take a look at the diagram below.

Workloads (deployed in a container or not) often need to access Azure AD protected resources. In the diagram, the workload in the container wants to read secrets from Azure Key Vault. The recommended option is to use managed identity and grant that identity the required role in Azure Key Vault. Now your code just needs to obtain credentials for that managed identity.

In Kubernetes, that last part presents a challenge. There needs to be a mechanism to map such a managed identity to a pod and allow code in the container to obtain an Azure AD authentication token. The Azure AD Pod Identity project was a way to solve this but as of 24/10/2022, AAD Pod Identity is deprecated. It is now replaced by Workload Identity. It integrates with native Kubernetes capabilities to federate with external identity providers such as Azure AD. It has the following advantages:

  • Not an AKS feature, it’s a Kubernetes feature (other cloud, on-premises, edge); similar functionality exists for GKE for instance
  • Scales better than AAD Pod Identity
  • No need for custom resource definitions
  • No need to run pods that intercept IMDS (instance metadata service) traffic; instead, there are webhook pods that run when pods are created/updated

If the above does not make much sense, check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/use-azure-ad-pod-identity. But don’t use it OK? 😉

At a basic level, Workload Identity works as follows:

  • Your AKS cluster is configured to issue tokens. Via an OIDC (OpenID Connect) discovery document, published by AKS, Azure AD can validate the tokens it receives from the cluster.
  • A Kubernetes service account is created and properly annotated and labeled. Pods are configured to use the service account via the serviceAccount field.
  • The Azure Managed Identity is configured with Federated credentials. The federated credential contains a link to the OIDC discovery document (Cluster Issuer URL) and configures the namespace and service account used by the Kubernetes pod. That generates a subject identifier like system:serviceaccount:namespace_name:service_account_name.
  • Tokens can now be generated for the configured service account and swapped for an Azure AD token that can be picked up by your workload.
  • A Kubernetes mutating webhook is the glue that makes all of this work. It ensures the token is mapped to a file in your container and sets needed environment variables.

Creating a cluster with OIDC and Workload Identity

Create a basic cluster with one worker node and both features enabled. You need an Azure subscription and the Azure CLI. Ensure the prerequisites are met and that you are logged in with az login. Run the following in a Linux shell:

After deployment, find the OIDC Issuer URL with:

When you add /.well-known/openid-configuration to that URL, you will see something like:

OIDC discovery document

The field jwks_uri contains a link to key information, used by AAD to verify the tokens issued by Kubernetes.

In earlier versions of Workload Identity, you had to install a mutating admission webhook to project the Kubernetes token to a volume in your workload. In addition, the webhook also injected several environment variables:

  • AZURE_CLIENT_ID: client ID of an AAD application or user-assigned managed identity
  • AZURE_TENANT_ID: tenant ID of Azure subscription
  • AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE: the path to the federated token file; you can do cat $AZURE_FEDERATED_TOKEN_FILE to see the token. Note that this is the token issued by Kubernetes, not the exchanged AAD token (exchanging the token happens in your code). The token is a jwt. You can use https://jwt.io to examine it:
Decoded jwt issued by Kubernetes

But I am digressing… In the current implementation, you do not have to install the mutating webhook yourself. When you enable workload identity with the CLI, the webhook is installed automatically. In kube-system, you will find pods starting with azure-wi-webhook-controller-manager. The webhook kicks in whenever you create or update a pod. The end result is the same. You get the projected token + the environment variables.

Creating a service account

Ok, now we have a cluster with OIDC and workload identity enabled. We know how to retrieve the issuer URL and we learned we do not have to install anything else to make this work.

You will have to configure the pods you want a token for. Not every pod has containers that need to authenticate to Azure AD. To configure your pods, you first create a Kubernetes service account. This is a standard service account. To learn about service accounts, check my YouTube video.

The label ensures that the mutating webhook will do its thing when a pod uses this service account. We also indicate the managed identity we want a token for by specifying its client ID in the annotation.

Note: you need to create the managed identity yourself and grab its client id. Use the following commands:

The last command prints the id to use in the service account azure.workload.identity/client-id annotation.

Creating a pod that uses the service account

Let’s create a deployment that deploys pods with an Azure CLI image:

Above, the important line is serviceAccount: sademo. When the pod is created or modified, the mutating webhook will check the service account and its annotations. If it is configured for workload identity, the webhook will do its thing: projecting the Kubernetes token file and setting the environment variables:

The webhook did its work 😉

How to verify it works?

We can use the Azure CLI support for federated tokens as follows:

After running the command, the error below appears:

Oh no…

Clearly, something is wrong and there is. We have forgotten to configure the managed identity for federation. In other words, when we present our Kubernetes token, Azure AD needs information to validate it and return an AAD token.

Use the following command to create a federated credential on the user-assigned managed identity you created earlier:

After running the above command, the Azure Managed Identity has the following configuration:

Federated credentials on the Managed Identity

More than one credential is possible. Click on the name of the federated credential. You will see:

Details of the federated credential

Above, the OIDC Issuer URL is set to point to our cluster. We expect a token with a subject identifier (sub) of system:serviceaccount:default:sademo. You can check the decoded jwt earlier in this post to see that the sub field in the token issued by Kubernetes matches the one above. It needs to match or the process will fail.

Now we can run the command again:

You will be logged in to the Azure CLI with the managed identity credentials:

But what about your own apps?

Above, we used the Azure CLI. The most recent versions (>= 2.30.0) support federated credentials and use MSAL. But what about your custom code?

The code below is written in Python and uses the Python Azure identity client library with DefaultAzureCredential. This code works with managed identity in Azure Container Apps or Azure App Service and was not modified. Here’s the code for reference:

On Docker Hub, the gbaeke/worker:1.0.0 image runs this code. The following manifest runs the code on Kubernetes with the same managed identity as the Azure CLI example (same service account):

Note that the code tries to connect to Azure App Configuration. The managed identity has been given the App Configuration Data Reader role on a specific instance. The code tries to read the value of key myapp:appkey with label prd from that instance:

App Config key and values

To make the code work, the environment variable AZURE_APPCONFIGURATION_ENDPOINT is set to the URL of the App Config instance.

In the container logs, we can see that the value was successfully retrieved:

Log stream of worker

And yes, the code just works! It successfully connected to App Config and retrieved the value. The environment variables, set by the webhook discussed earlier, make this work, together with the Python Azure identity library!


Workload Identity works like a charm and is relatively easy to configure. At the time of writing (end of November 2022), I guess we are pretty close to general availability and we finally will have a fully supported managed identity solution for AKS and beyond!

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