Load balancing OpenAI API calls with LiteLLM

If you have ever created an application that makes calls to Azure OpenAI models, you know there are limits to the amount of calls you can make per minute. Take a look at the settings of a GPT model below:

GPT deployment settings

Above, the tokens per minute (TPM) rate limit is set to 60 000 tokens. This translates to about 360 requests per minute. When you exceed these limits, you get 429 Too Many Requests errors.

There are many ways to deal with these limits. A few of the main ones are listed below:

  • You can ask for a PAYGO quota increase: remember that high quotas do not necessarily lead to consistent lower-latency responses
  • You can use PTUs (provisioned throughput units): highly recommended if you want consistently quick responses with the lowest latency. Don’t we all? 😉
  • Your application can use retries with backoffs. Note that OpenAI libraries use automatic retries by default. For Python, it is set to two but that is configurable.
  • You can use multiple Azure OpenAI instances and load balance between them

In this post, we will take a look at implementing load balancing between OpenAI resources with an open source solution called LiteLLM. Note that, in Azure, you can also use Azure API Management. One example is discussed here. Use it if you must but know it is not simple to configure.

A look at LiteLLM

LiteLLM has many features. In this post, I will be implementing it as a standalone proxy, running as a container in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The proxy is part of a larger application illustrated in the diagram below:

LLM-based document processor

The application above has an upload service that allows users to upload a PDF or other supported document. After storing the document in an Azure Storage Account container, the upload service sends a message to an Azure Service Bus topic. The process service uses those messages to process each file. One part of the process is the use of Azure OpenAI to extract fields from the document. For example, a supplier, document number or anything else.

To support the processing of many documents, multiple Azure OpenAI resources are used: one in France and one in Sweden. Both regions have the gpt-4-turbo model that we require.

The process service uses the Python OpenAI library in combination with the instructor library. Instructor is great for getting structured output from documents based on Pydantic classes. Below is a snippet of code:

The only thing we need to do is to set the base_url to the LiteLLM proxy. The api_key is configurable. By default it is empty but you can configure a master key or even virtual keys for different teams and report on the use of these keys. More about that later.

The key point here is that LiteLLM is a transparent proxy that fully supports the OpenAI API. Your code does not have to change. The actual LLM does not have to be an OpenAI LLM. It can be Gemini, Claude and many others.

Let’s take a look at deploying the proxy in AKS.

Deploying LiteLLM on Kubernetes

Before deploying LiteLLM, we need to configure it via a config file. In true Kubernetes style, let’s do that with a ConfigMap:

The configuration contains a list of models. Above, there are two models with the same name: gpt-4-preview. Each model points to a deployed model in Azure with the same name (can be different) and its own API base and key. For example, the first model uses an API base and API key for my instance in Sweden. However, by using os.environ/ and appending an environment variable, we can tell LiteLLM to use an environment variable. Of course, that means we have to set these environment variables in the LiteLLM container. We will do that later.

When the code in the process service uses the gpt-4-preview model via the proxy, the proxy will perform load balancing based on the router settings.

To spin up more than one instance of LiteLLM, a Redis instance is required. Redis is used to share information between the instances to make routing decisions. The routing strategy is set to least-busy.

Note that retries is set to 2. You can turn off retries in your code and let the proxy handle this for you.

To support mounting the secrets as environment variables, I use a .env file in combination with a secretGenerator in Kustomize:

There are many secrets here. Some are for LiteLLM, although weirdly prefixed with LLM_LITE instead. I do that sometimes! The others are to support the upload and process services.

To get these values into secrets, I use the following kustomization.yaml:

The secretGenerator will create a secret called invoices-secrets in the inv-demo namespace. We can reference the secrets in the LiteLLM Kubernetes deployment:

The ConfigMap content is mounted as /app/proxy_server_config.yaml. You need to specify the config file via the --config parameter, supplied in args.

Next, we simply mount all the environment variables that we need. The LiteLLM ConfigMap uses several of those via the os.environ references. There is also a DATABASE_URL that is not mentioned in the ConfigMap. The URL points to a PostgreSQL instance in Azure where information is kept to support the LiteLLM dashboard and other settings. If you do not want the dashboard feature, you can omit the database URL.

There’s one last thing: the process service needs to connect to LiteLLM via Kubernetes internal networking. Of course, that means we need a service:

With this service definition, the process service can set the OpenAI base URL as http://litellm-service to route all requests to the proxy via its internal IP address.

As you can probably tell from the kustomization.yaml file, the ConfigMap, Deployment and Service are in llmproxy.yaml. The other YAML files do the following:

  • namespace.yaml: creates the inv-demo namespace
  • upload.yaml: deploys the upload service (written in Python and uses FastAPI, 1 replica))
  • process.yaml: deploys the process service (written in Python as a Dapr grpc service, 2 replicas)
  • pubsub.yaml: creates a Dapr pubsub component that uses Azure Service Bus
  • redis.yaml: creates a standalone Redis instance to support multiple replicas of the LiteLLM proxy

To deploy all of the above, you just need to run the command below:

⚠️ Although this can be used in production, several shortcuts are taken. One thing that would be different is secrets management. Secrets would be in a Key Vault and made available to applications via the Secret Store CSI driver or other solutions.

With everything deployed, I see the following in k9s:

The view from k9s

As a side note, I also use Diagrid to provide insights about the use of Dapr on the cluster:

upload and process are communicating via pubsub (Service Bus)

Dapr is only used between process and upload. The other services do not use Dapr and, as a result, are not visible here. The above is from Diagrid Conductor Free. As I said…. total side note! 🤷‍♂️

Back to the main topic…

The proxy in action

Let’s see if the proxy uses both Azure OpenAI instances. The dashboard below presents a view of the metrics after processing several documents:

OpenAI usage in France and Sweden

It’s clear that the proxy uses both resources. Remember that this is the least-busy routing option. It picks the deployment with the least number of ongoing calls. Both these instances are only used by the process service so the expectation is a more or less even distribution.

LiteLLM Dashboard

If you configured authentication in combination with providing a URL to a PostGreSQL database, you can access the dashboard. To see the dashboard in action without deploying it, see https://litellm.vercel.app/docs/proxy/demo.

One of the things you can do is creating teams. Below, you see a team called dev which has access to only the gpt-4-preview model with unlimited TPM and RPM:

dev team in LiteLLM

In addition to the team, a virtual key is created and assigned to the team. This virtual key starts with sk- and is used as the OpenAI API key in the process service:

LiteLLM virtual key for the dev team

We can now report on the use of OpenAI by the dev team:

Usage for the dev team

Above, there’s a small section that’s unassigned because I used LiteLLM without a key and a master key before switching to a team-based key.

The idea here is that you can deploy the LiteLLM proxy centrally and hand out virtual keys to teams so they can all access their models via the proxy. We have not tested this in a production setting yet but it is certainly something worth exploring.


I have only scratched the surface of LiteLLM here but my experience with it so far is pretty good. If you want to deploy it as a central proxy server that developers can use to access models, deployment to Kubernetes and other environments with the container image is straightforward.

In this post I used Kubernetes but that is not required. It runs in Container Apps and other container runtimes as well. In fact, you do not need to run it in a container at all. It also works as a standalone application or can be used directly in your Python apps.

There is much more to explore but for now, if you need a transparent OpenAI-based proxy that works with many different models, take a look at LiteLLM.

Use Azure OpenAI on your data with Semantic Kernel

I have written before about Azure OpenAI on your data. For a refresher, see Microsoft Learn. In short, Azure OpenAI on your data tries to make it easy to create an Azure AI Search index that supports advanced search mechanisms like vector search, potentially enhanced with semantic reranking.

On of the things you can do is simply upload your documents and start asking questions about these documents, right from within the Azure OpenAI Chat playground. The screenshot below shows the starting screen of a step-by-step wizard to get your documents into an index:

Upload your documents to Azure OpenAI on your data

Note that whatever option you choose in the wizard, you will always end up with an index in Azure AI Search. When the index is created, you can start asking questions about your data:

Your questions are answered with links to source documents (citations)

Instead of uploading your documents, you can use any Azure AI Search index. You will have the ability to map the fields from your index to the fields Azure OpenAI expects. You will see an example in the Semantic Kernel code later and in the next section.

Extensions to the OpenAI APIs

To make this feature work, Microsoft extended the OpenAI APIs. By providing extra information to the API about Azure AI Search, mapped fields, type of search, etc… the APIs retrieve relevant content, add that to the prompt and let the model answer. It is retrieval augmented generation (RAG) but completely API driven.

The question I asked in the last screenshot was: “Does Redis on Azure support vector queries?”. The API creates an embedding for that question to find similar vectors. The vectors are stored together with their source text (from your documents). That text is added as context to the prompt, allowing the chosen model to answer as shown above.

Under the hood, the UI makes a call to the URL below:

This looks similar to a regular chat completions call except for the extensions part. When you use this extension API, you can supply extra information. Using the Python OpenAI packages, the extra information looks like below:

The dataSources section is used by the extension API to learn about the Azure AI Search resource, the API key to use (not shown above), the type of search to perform (hybrid) and how to map the fields in your index to the fields this API expects. For example, we can tell the API about one or more contentFields. Above, there is only one such field named Content. That’s the name of a field in your chosen index.

You can easily get a Python code example to use this API from the Chat Completions playground:

Get sample code by clicking View code in the playground

How to do this in Semantic Kernel?

In what follows, I will show snippets of a full sample you can find on GitHub. The sample uses Streamlit to provide the following UI:

Sample Streamlit app

Above, (1) is the original user questions. Using Azure OpenAI on your data, we use Semantic Kernel to provide a response with citations (2). As an extra, all URLs returned by the vector search are shown in (3). They are not reflected in the response because not all retrieved results are relevant.

Let’s look at the code now…

Above we create a (semantic) kernel. Don’t bother with the session state stuff, that’s specific to Streamlit. After that, the code effectively puts together the Azure AI Search information to be added to the extension API:

  • get Azure AI Search settings from a .env file: contains the Azure AI Search endpoint, API key and index name
  • add fieldsMapping to the Azure AI Search settings: contentFields and vectorFields are arrays; we need to map the fields in our index to the fields that the API expects
  • add embedding information: the deploymentName is set to embedding; you need an embedding model with that name in the same region as the OpenAI model you will use
  • create an instance of class AzureAISearchDataSources: creates the Azure AI Search settings and add additional settings such as queryType (hybrid search here)
  • create an instance of class AzureDataSources: this will tell the extension API that the data source is AzureCognitiveSearch with the settings provided via the AzureAISearchDataSources class; other datasources are supported
  • the call to the extension API needs the dataSources field as discussed earlier: the ExtraBody class allows us to define what needs to be added to the POST body of a chat completions call; multiple dataSources can be provided but here, we have only one datasource (of type AzureCognitiveSearch); we will need this extra variable later in our request settings

Note: I have a parameter in my code, search_data. Only if search_data is True, Azure OpenAI on your data should be enabled. If it is false, the variable extra should be None. You will see this variable pop up in other places as well

In Semantic Kernel, you can add one or more services to the kernel. In this case, we only add a chat completions service that points to a gpt-4-preview deployment. A .env file is used to get the Azure OpenAI endpoint, key and deployment.

Above, there are two important settings to make Azure OpenAI on your data work:

  • api_version: needs to be set to 2023-12-01-preview; Semantic Kernel does not support the newer versions at the time of this writing (end of March, 2024). However, this will be resolved soon.
  • use_extensions: required to use the extension API; without it the call to the chat completions API will not have the extension part.

We are not finished yet. We also need to supply the ExtraBody data (extra variable) to the call. That is done via the AzureChatPromptExecutionSettings:

In Semantic Kernel, we can create a function from a prompt with chat history and use that prompt to effectively create the chat experience:

Later, we can call our chat function and provide KernelArguments that contain the request settings we defined earlier, plus the user input and the chat history:

The important part here is that we invoke our chat function. With the kernel’s chat completion service configured to use extensions, and the extra request body field added to the request settings, you effectively use the Azure OpenAI on your data APIs as mentioned earlier.


Semantic Kernel supports Azure OpenAI on your data. To use the feature effectively, you need to:

  • Prepare the extra configuration (ExtraBody) to send to the extension API
  • Enable the extension API in your Azure chat completion service and ensure you use the supported API version
  • Add the ExtraBody data to your AzureChatPromptExecutionSettings together with settings like temperature etc…

Although it should be possible to use Azure OpenAI on your data together with function calling, I could not get that to work. Function calling requires a higher API version, which is not supported by Semantic Kernel in combination with Azure OpenAI on your data yet!

The code on GitHub can be toggled to function mode by setting MODE in .env to anything but search. In that case though, add your data is not used. Be sure to restart the Streamlit app after you change that setting in the .env file. In function mode you can ask about the current time and date. If you provide a Bing api key, you can also ask questions that require a web search.

So you want a chat bot to talk to your SharePoint data?

It’s a common request we hear from clients: “We want a chatbot that can interact with our data in SharePoint!” The idea is compelling – instead of relying on traditional search methods or sifting through hundreds of pages and documents, users could simply ask the bot a question and receive an instant, accurate answer. It promises to be a much more efficient and user-friendly experience.

The appeal is clear:

  • Improved user experience
  • Time savings
  • Increased productivity

But how easy is it to implement a chatbot for SharePoint and what are some of the challenges? Let’s try and find out.

The easy way: Copilot Studio

I have talked about Copilot Studio in previous blog posts. One of the features of Copilot Studio is generative answers. With generative answers, your copilot can find and present information for different sources like web sites or SharePoint data. The high level steps to work with SharePoint data are below:

  • Configure your copilot to use Microsoft Entra ID authentication
  • In the Create generative answers node, in the Data sources field, add the SharePoint URLs you want to work with

From a high level, this is all you need to start asking questions. One advantage of using this feature is that the SharePoint data is accessed on behalf of the user. When generative answers searches for SharePoint data, it only returns information that the user has access to.

It is important to note that the search relies on a call to the Graph API search endpoint (https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/search/query) and that only the top three results that come back from this call are used. Generative answers only works with files up to 3MB in size. It is possible that the search returns documents that are larger than 3MB. They would not be processed. If all results are above 3MB, generative answers will return an empty response.

In addition, the user’s question is rewritten to only send the main keywords to the search. The type of search is a keyword search. It is not a similarity search based on vectors.

Note: the type of search will change when Microsoft enables Semantic Index for Copilot for your tenant. Other limitations, like the 3MB size limit, will be removed as well.


  • easy to configure (UI)
  • uses only documents the user has access to (Entra ID integration)
  • no need to create a pipeline to process SharePoint data; simply point at SharePoint URLs 🔥
  • an LLM is used “under the hood”; there is no need to setup an Azure OpenAI instance


  • uses keyword search which can result in less relevant results
  • does not use vector search and/or semantic reranking (e.g., like in Azure AI Search)
  • number of search results that can provide context is not configurable (maximum 3)
  • documents are not chunked; search can not retrieve relevant pieces of text from a document
  • maximum size is 3MB; if the document is highly relevant to answer the user’s query, it might be dropped because of its size

Although your mileage may vary, the limitations make it hard to build a chat bot that provides relevant and qualitative answers. What can we do to fix that?

Copilot Studio with Azure OpenAI on your data

Copilot Studio has integration with Azure OpenAI on your data. Azure OpenAI on your data makes it easy to create an Azure AI Search index based on your documents. Such an index creates chunks of larger documents and uses vectors to match a user’s query to similar chunks. Such queries usually result in more relevant pieces of text from multiple documents. In addition to vector search, you can combine vector search with keyword search and optionally rerank the search results semantically. In most cases, you want these advanced search options because relevant context is key for the LLM to work with!

The diagram below shows the big picture:

Using AI Search to query documents with vectors

The diagram above shows documents in a storage account (not SharePoint, we will get to that). With Azure OpenAI on your data, you simply point to the storage account, allowing Azure AI Search to build an index that contains one or more document chunks per document. The index contains the text in the chunk and a vector of that text. Via the Azure OpenAI APIs, chat applications (including Copilot Studio) can send user questions to the service together with information about the index that contains relevant content. Behind the scenes, the API searches for similar chunks and uses them in the prompt to answer the user’s question. You can configure the number of chunks that should be put in the prompt. The number is only limited by the OpenAI model’s context limit (8k, 16k, 32k or 128k tokens).

You do not need to write code to create this index. Azure OpenAI on your data provides a wizard to create the index. The image below shows the wizard in Azure AI Studio (https://ai.azure.com):

Azure OpenAI add your data

Above, instead of pointing to a storage account, I selected the Upload files/folder feature. This allows you to upload files to a storage account first, and then create the index from that storage account.

Azure OpenAI on your data is great, but there is this one tiny issue: there is no easy way to point it to your SharePoint data!

It would be fantastic if SharePoint was a supported datasource. However, it is important to realise that SharePoint is not a simple datasource:

  • What credentials are used to create the index?
  • How do you ensure that queries use only the data the user has access to?
  • How do you keep the SharePoint data in sync with the Azure AI Search index? And not just the data, the ACLs (access control lists) too.
  • What SharePoint data do you support? Just documents? List items? Web pages?

The question now becomes: “How do you get SharePoint data into AI Search to improve search results?” Let’s find out.

Creating an AI Search index with SharePoint data

Azure AI Search offers support for SharePoint as a data source. However, it’s important to note that this feature is currently in preview and has been in that state for an extended period of time. Additionally, there are several limitations associated with this functionality:

  • SharePoint .ASPX site content is not supported.
  • Permissions are not automatically ingested into the index. To enable security trimming, you will need to add permission-related information to the index manually, which is a non-trivial task.

In the official documentation, Microsoft clearly states that if you require SharePoint content indexing in a production environment, you should consider creating a custom connector that utilizes SharePoint webhooks in conjunction with the Microsoft Graph API to export data to an Azure Blob container. Subsequently, you can leverage the Azure Blob indexer to index the exported content. This approach essentially means that you are responsible for developing and maintaining your own custom solution.

Note: we do not follow the approach with webhooks because of its limitations

What to do?

When developing chat applications that leverage retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) with SharePoint data, we typically use a Logic App or custom job to process the SharePoint data in bulk. This Logic App or job ingests various types of content, including documents and site pages.

To maintain data integrity and ensure that the system remains up-to-date, we also utilize a separate Logic App or job that monitors for changes within the SharePoint environment and updates the index accordingly.

However, implementing this solution in a production environment is not a trivial task, as there are numerous factors to consider:

  • Logic Apps have limitations when it comes to processing large volumes of data. Custom code can be used as a workaround.
  • Determining the appropriate account credentials for retrieving the data securely.
  • Identifying the types of changes to monitor: file modifications, additions, deletions, metadata updates, access control list (ACL) changes, and more.
  • Ensuring that the index is updated correctly based on the detected changes.
  • Implementing a mechanism to completely rebuild the index when the data chunking strategy changes, typically involving the creation of a new index and updating the bot to utilize the new index. Index aliases can be helpful in this regard.

In summary, building a custom solution to index SharePoint data for chat applications with RAG capabilities is a complex undertaking that requires careful consideration of various technical and operational aspects.

Security trimming

Azure AI Search does not provide document-level permissions. There is also no concept of user authentication. This means that you have to add security information to an Azure AI Search index yourself and, in code, ensure that AI Search only returns results that the logged on user has access to.

Full details are here with the gist of it below:

  • add a security field of type collection of strings to your index; the field should allow filtering
  • in that field, store group Ids (e.g., Entra ID group oid’s) in the array
  • while creating the index, retrieve the group Ids that have at least read access to the document you are indexing; add each group Id to the security field

When you query the index, retrieve the logged on user’s list of groups. In your query, use a filter like the one below:

Above, group_ids is the security field and group_id1 etc… are the groups the user belongs to.

For more detailed steps and example C# code, see https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-security-trimming-for-azure-search-with-aad.

If you want changes in ACLs in SharePoint to be reflected in your index as quickly as possible, you need a process to update the security field in your index that is triggered by ACL changes.


Crafting a chat bot that seamlessly works with SharePoint data to deliver precise answers is no simple feat. Should you manage to obtain satisfactory outcomes leveraging generative responses within Copilot Studio, it’s advisable to proceed with that route. Even if you do not use Copilot Studio, you can use Graph API search within custom code.

If you want more accurate search results and switch to Azure AI Search, be mindful that establishing and maintaining the Azure AI Search index, encompassing both SharePoint data and access control lists, can be quite involved.

It seems Microsoft is relying on the upcoming Semantic Index capability to tackle these hurdles, potentially in combination with Copilot for Microsoft 365. When Semantic Index ultimately becomes available, executing a search through the Graph API could potentially fulfill your requirements.

Embedding flows created with Microsoft Prompt Flow in your own applications

A while ago, I wrote about creating your first Prompt Flow in Visual Studio Code. In this post, we will embed such a flow in a Python application built with Streamlit. The application allows you to search for images based on a description. Check the screenshot below:

Streamlit app to search for images based on a description

There are a few things we need to make this work:

  • An index in Azure AI Search that contains descriptions of images, a vector of these descriptions and a link to the image
  • A flow in Prompt Flow that takes a description as input and returns the image link or the entire image as output
  • A Python application (the Streamlit app above) that uses the flow to return an image based on the description

Let’s look at each component in turn.

Azure AI Search Index

Azure AI Search is a search index that supports keyword search, vector search and semantic reranking. You can combine keyword and vector search in what is called a hybrid search. The hybrid search results can optionally be reranked further using a state-of-the-art semantic reranker.

The index we use is represented below:

Index in Azure AI Search
  • Description: contains the description of the image; the image description was generated with the gpt-4-vision model and is larger than just a few words
  • URL: the link to the actual image; the image is not stored in the index, it’s just shown for reference
  • Vector: vector generated by the Azure OpenAI embedding model; it generates 1536 floating point numbers that represent the meaning of the description

Using vectors and vector search allows us to search not just for cat but also for words like kat (in Dutch) or even feline creature.

The flow we will create in Prompt Flow uses the Azure AI Search index to find the URL based on the description. However, because Azure AI Search might return images that are not relevant, we also use a GPT model to make the final call about what image to return.


In Prompt Flow in Visual Studio Code, we will create the flow below:

Flow we will embed in the Streamlit app

It all starts from the input node:

Input node

The flow takes one input: description. In order to search for this description, we need to convert it to a vector. Note that we could skip this and just do a text search. However, that will not get us the best results.

To embed the input, we use the embedding node:

Embedding node

The embedding node uses a connection called open_ai_connection. This connection contains connection information to an Azure OpenAI resource that hosts the embedding model. The model deployment’s name is embedding. The input to the embedding node is the description from the input. The output is a vector:

Output of embedding node

Now that we have the embedding, we can use a Vector DB Lookup node to perform a vector search in Azure AI Search:

Azure AI Search

Above, we use another connection (acs-geba) that holds the credentials to connect to the Azure AI Search resource. We specify the following to perform the search:

  • index name to search: images-sdk here
  • what text to put in the text_field: the description from the input; this search will be a hybrid search; we search with both text and a vector
  • vector field: the name of the field that holds the vector (textVector field in the images-sdk index)
  • search_params: here we specify the fields we want to return in the search results; name, description and url
  • vector to find similar vectors for: the output from the embedding node
  • the number of similar items to return: top_k is 3

The result of the search node is shown below:

Search results

The result contains three entries from the search index. The first result is the closest to the description from our input node. In this case, we could just take the first result and be done with it. But what if we get results that do not match the description?

To make the final judgement about what picture to return, let’s add an LLM node:

LLM Node

The LLM node uses the same OpenAI connection and is configured to use the chat completions API with the gpt-4 model. We want this node to return proper JSON by setting the response_format to json_object. We also need a prompt, which is a ninja2 template best_image.jinja2:

The template above sets the system prompt and specifically asks to return JSON. With the response format set to JSON, the word JSON (in uppercase) needs to be in the prompt or you will get an error.

The prompt defines two parameters:

  • description: we connect the description from the input to this parameter
  • search_results: we connect the results from the aisearch node to this parameter

In the screenshot above, you can see this mapping being made. It’s all done in the UI, no code required.

When this node returns an output, it will be in the JSON format we specified. However, that does still not mean that the URL will be correct. The model might still return an incorrect url, although we try to mitigate that in the prompt.

Below is an example of the LLM output when the description is cat:

Model picked the cat picture

Now that we have the URL, I want the flow to output two values:

  • the URL: the URL as a string, not wrapped in JSON
  • the base-64 representation of the image that can we used directly in an HTML IMG tag

We use two Python tools for this and bring the results to the output node. Python tools use custom Python code:

Setting the output

The code in get_image is below:

The node executes the function that is marked with the @tool decorator and sends it the output from the LLM node. The code grabs the url and downloads and transforms the image to its base64 representation. You can see how the output from the LLM node is mapped to the image_json parameter below:

linking the function parameter to the LLM output

The code in get_url is similar. It just extracts the url as a string from the input JSON coming from the url.

The output node is the following:

Output node

The output has two properties: data (the base64-encoded image) and the url to the image. Later, in the Python code that uses this flow, the output will be a Python dict with a data and url entry.

Using the flow in your application

Although you can host this flow as an API using either an Azure Machine Learning endpoint or a Docker container, we will simply embed the flow in our Python application and call it like a regular Python function.

Here is the code, which uses Streamlit for the UI:

To load the flow in your Python app as a function:

  • import load_flow from the promptflow module
  • set a path to your flow (relative or absolute): here we load the flow that is in the parent directory that contains flow.dag.yaml.
  • use load_flow to create the function: above the function is called f

When the user enters the query, you can simply use f(description="user's query...") to obtain the output. The output is a Python dict with a data and url entry.

In Streamlit, we can use markdown to display HTML directly using unsafe_allow_html=True. The HTML is simply an <img> tag with the src attribute set to the base64 representation of the image.


Note that the flow on my system uses two connections: one to connect to OpenAI and one to connect to Azure AI Search. By default, Prompt Flow stores these connections in a SQLite database in the .promptflow folder of your home folder. This means that the Streamlit app work on my machine but will not work anywhere else.

To solve this, you can override the connections in your app. See https://github.com/microsoft/promptflow/blob/main/examples/tutorials/get-started/flow-as-function.ipynb for more information about these overrides.


Embedding a flow as a function in a Python app is one of the easiest ways to use a flow in your applications. Although we used a straightforward Streamlit app here, you could build a FastAPI server that provides endpoints to multiple flows from one API. Such an API can easily be hosted as a container on Container Apps or Kubernetes as part of a larger application.

Give it a try and let me know what you think! 😉

Super fast bot creation with Copilot Studio and the Azure OpenAI Assistants API

In a previous post, I discussed the Microsoft Bot Framework SDK that provides a fast track to deploying intelligent bots with the help of the Assistants API. Yet, the journey doesn’t stop there. Copilot Studio, a low-code tool, introduces an even more efficient approach, eliminating the need for intricate bot coding. It empowers developers to quickly design and deploy bots, focusing on functionality over coding complexities.

In this post, we will combine Copilot Studio with the Assistants API. But first, let’s take a quick look at the basics of Copilot Studio.

Copilot Studio

Copilot Studio, known before as Power Virtual Agents, is part of Microsoft’s Power Platform. It allows anyone to create a bot fast with it’s intent-based authoring experience. To try it out, just click the Try Free button on the Copilot Studio web page.

Note: I will not go into licensing here. I do not have a Phd in Power Platform Licensing yet! 😉

When you create a new bot, you will get the screen below:

New bot creation screen

You simply give your bot a name and a language. Right from the start, you can add Generative AI capabilities by providing a website URL. If that website is searchable by Bing, users can ask questions about content on that website.

However, this does not mean Copilot Studio can carry a conversation like ChatGPT. It simply means that, when Copilot Studio cannot identify an intent, it will search the website for answers and provide the answer to you. You can ask follow-up questions but it’s not a full ChatGPT experience. For example, you cannot say “Answer the following questions in bullet style” and expect the bot to remember that. It will simply throw an error and try to escalate you to a live agent after three tries.

Note: this error & escalate mechanism is a default; you can change that if you wish

So what is an intent? If you look at the screenshot below, you will see some out of the box topics available to your bot.

Topics and Plugins screen

Above, you see a list of topics and plugins. I have not created any plugins so there are only topics: regular topics and system topics. Whenever you send a message, the system tries to find out what your intent is by checking matching phrases defined in a trigger.

If you click on the Greeting topic, you will see the following:

Greeting topic (click to enlarge)

This topic is triggered by a number of phrases. When the user sends a message like Hi!, that message will match the trigger phrases (intent is known). A response message will be sent back: “Hello, how can I help you today?”.

It’s important to realise that no LLM (large language model) is involved here. Other machine learning stuff is at play here.

The behaviour is different when I send a message that is not matched to any of the topics. Because I setup the bot with my website (https://blog.baeke.info), the following happens when I ask: “What is the OpenAI Assistants API?”

Generative Answers from https://blog.baeke.info

Check the topic above. We are in the Conversational Boosting topic now. It was automatically created when I added my website in the Generative Answers section during creation:

Boosting topic triggered when intent in not knowsn

If you look closely, you will notice that the trigger is set to On Unknown Intent. This means that this topic is used whenever you type something that cannot be matched to other topics. Behind the scenes, the system searches the website and returns a summary of the search to you, totally driven by Azure OpenAI. You do not need an Azure OpenAI resource to enable this.

This mixing and matching of intents is interesting in several ways:

  • you can catch specific intents and answer accordingly without using an OpenAI model: for example, when a user wants to book a business trip, you can present a form which will trigger an API that talks to an internal booking system
  • to answer from larger knowledge bases, you can add either use a catch-all such as the Conversational Boosting topic or even use custom intents that use the Create Generative Answers node to go to any supported data source

Besides web sites, other data sources are supported such as SharePoint, custom documents or even Azure OpenAI Add your data.

What we want to do is different. We want to use Copilot Studio to provide a full ChatGPT experience. We will not need Generative Answers to do so. Instead, we will use the OpenAI Assistants API behind the scenes.

Copilot Studio and Azure OpenAI Assistants

We want to achieve the following:

  • When a new conversation is started: create a new tread
  • When the user sends a message: add the message to the thread, run the thread and send the response back to Copilot Studio.
  • When the user asks to start over, start a new conversation which starts a new thread

One way of doing this, is to write a small API that can create a thread and add messages to it. Here’s the API I wrote using Python FastAPI:

Note: you can find this code on GitHub as well: https://github.com/gbaeke/azure-assistants-api/tree/main/api

Some things to note here:

  • I am using an assistant I created in the Azure OpenAI Assistant Playground and reference it by its ID; this assistant does not use any tools or files
  • I require an API key via a custom HTTP header access_token; later Copilot Studio will need this key to authenticate to the API
  • I define two methods: /thread and /message

If you have followed the other posts about the Assistants API, the code should be somewhat self-explanatory. The code focuses on the basics so not a lot of error checking for robustness.

If you run the above code, you can use a .http file in Visual Studio Code to test it. This requires the REST Client extension. Here’s the file:

In VS Code, with the extension loaded, you will see Send Request links above the POST commands. Click them to execute the requests. Click the thread request first and use the thread ID from the response in the body of the message request.

After you verified that it works, we can expose the API to the outside world with ngrok.

Using ngrok

If you have never used ngrok, download it for your platform. You should also get an authtoken by signing up and providing it to ngrok.

When the API is running, in a terminal window, type ngrok http 8324. You should see something like:

ngrok running

Check the forwarding URL. This is a public URL you can use. We will use this URL from Copilot Studio.

Note: in reality, we would publish this API to container apps or another hosting platform

Using the API from Copilot Studio

In Copilot Studio, I created a new bot without generative answers. The first thing we need to do is to create a thread when a new conversation starts:

In the UI, it looks like below:

Welcoming the user and starting a new thread

You can use the Conversation Start system topic to create the thread. The first section of the topic looks like below:

Starting a new conversation

Above there are three nodes:

  • Trigger node: On Conversation Start
  • Message: welcoming the user
  • Set variable: a global variable is set that’s available to all topics; the variable holds the URL of the API to call; that is the ngrok public url in this case

Below the set variable node, there are two other nodes:

Two last nodes of the Conversation Start topic

The HTTP Request node, unsurprisingly, can do HTTP requests. This is a built-in node in Copilot Studio. We call the /thread endpoint via the URL, which is the global url + “/thread” appended. The method is POST. In Headers and Body, you need to set the access_token header to the API key that matches the one from the code. There is no body to send here. When the request is successful, we save the thread ID to another global variable, global.thread_id. We need that variable is the /message calls later. The variable is of type record and holds the full JSON response from the /thread endpoint.

To finish the topic, we tell the user a new thread has started.

Now that we have a thread, how do we add a message to the thread? In the System Topics, I renamed the Fallback topic to Main intent. It is triggered when the intent is unknown, similar to how generative answers are used by default:

Fallback topic renamed to Main Intent

The topic is similar to the previous one:

Main intent topic

Above, HTTP Request is used again, this time to call the /message endpoint. This time Headers and Body needs some more information. In addition to the access_token header, the request requires a JSON body:

/message request body

The API expects JSON with two fields:

  • message: we capture what the user typed via System.Activity.Text
  • thread_id: stored in Global.thread_id.thread_id. The Global.thread_id variable is of type record (result from the /thread call) and contains a thread_id value. Great naming by yours truly here!

The last node in the topic simply takes the response record from the HTTP Request and sends the message field from that record back to the chat user.

You can now verify if the chat bot works from the Chat pane:

Testing the bot

You can carry on a conversation with the assistant virtually indefinitely. As mentioned in previous posts, the assistants API tries to use up the model’s context window and only starts to trim messages from the thread when the context limit is reached.

If your assistant has tools and function calling, it’s possible it sends back images. The API does not account for that. Only text responses are retrieved.

Note: the API and bot configuration is just the bare minimum to get this to work; there is more work to do to make this fully functional, like showing image responses etc…

Adding a Teams channel

Copilot Studio bots can easily by tied to a channel. One of those channels is Teams. You can also do that with the Bot Framework SDK if you combine it with an Azure Bot resource. But it is easier with Copilot Studio.

Before you enable a channel, ensure your bot is published. Go to Publish (left pane) and click the Publish button.

Note: whenever you start a new ngrok session and update the URL in the bot, publish the bot again

Next, go to Settings and then Channels. I enabled the Teams channel:

Teams channel enabled

In the right pane, there’s a link to open the bot directly in Teams. It could be that does not work in your organisation but it does in mine:

Our Copilot Studio assistant in Teams

Note that it might be needed to restart the conversation if there is something wrong. By default, the chat bot has a Start Over topic. I modified that topic to redirect to Conversation Start. That results in the creation of a new thread:

Redirect to Conversation Start when user types start over or similar phrases

The user can simple type something like Start Over. The bot would respond as follows:

Starting over


If you want to use a low-code solution to build the front-end of an Azure OpenAI Assistant, using Copilot Studio in conjunction with the Assistants API is one way of achieving that.

Today, it does require some “pro-code” as the glue between both systems. I can foresee a future with tighter integration where this is just some UI configuration. I don’t know if the teams are working on this, but I surely would like to see it.

Fast chat bot creation with the OpenAI Assistants API and the Microsoft Bot Framework SDK

This post is part of a series of blog posts about the Azure OpenAI Assistants API. Here are the previous posts:

In all of those posts, we demonstrated the abilities of the Azure OpenAI Assistants API in a Python notebook. In this post, we will build an actual chat application with some help of the Bot Framework SDK.

The Bot Framework SDK is a collection of libraries and tools that let you build, test and deploy bot applications. The target audience is developers. They can write the bot in C#, TypeScript or Python. If you are more of a Power Platform user/developer, you can also use Copilot Studio. I will look at the Assistants API and Copilot Studio in a later post.

The end result after reading this post is a bot you can test with the Bot Framework Emulator. You can download the emulator for your platform here.

When you run the sample code from GitHub and connect the emulator to the bot running on you local machine, you get something like below:

Bot with answers provided by Assistants API

Writing a basic bot

You can follow the Create a basic bot quickstart on Microsoft Learn to get started. It’s a good quickstart and it is easy to follow.

On that page, switch to Python and simply follow the instructions. The end-to-end sample I provide is in Python so using that language will make things easier. At the end of the quickstart, you will have a bot you can start with python app.py. The post also tells you how to connect the Bot Framework Emulator to your bot that runs locally on your machine. The quickstart bot is an echo bot that simply echoes the text you type:

Echo bot in action… oooh exciting 😀

A quick look at the bot code

If you check the bot code in bot.py, you will see two functions:

  • on_members_added_activity: do something when a new chat starts; we can use this to start a new assistant thread
  • on_message_activity: react to a user sending a message; here, we can add the message to a thread, run it, and send the response back to the user

👉 This code uses a tiny fraction of features of the Bot Framework SDK. There’s a huge list of capabilities. Check the How-To for developers, which starts with the basics of sending and receiving messages.

Below is a diagram of the chat and assistant flow:

Assistant Flow

In the diagram, the initial connection triggers on_members_added_activity. Let’s take a look at it:

The function was modified to create a thread and store the thread.id as a property thread_id of the MyBot class. The function create_thread() comes from a module called assistant.py, which I added to the folder that contains bot.py:

Easy enough, right?

The second function, on_message_activity, is used to respond to new chat messages. That’s number 2 in the diagram above.

Here, we use a few helper methods. It could actually be one function but I decided to break them up somewhat:

  • send_message: add a message to the thread created earlier; we grab the text the user entered in the chat via turn_context.activity.text
  • check_for_tools: check if we need to run a tool (function) like hr_search or request_raise and add tool results to the messages
  • return_message: return the last message from the messages array and send it back to the chat via turn_context.send_activity; that’s number 5 in the diagram

💡 The stateful nature of the Azure OpenAI Assistants API is of great help here. Without it, we would need to use the Chat Completions API and find a way to manage the chat history ourselves. There are various ways to do that but not having to do that is easier!

A look at assistant.py

Check assistant.py on GitHub for the details. It contains the helper functions called from on_message_activity.

In assistant.py, the following happens:

If you have read the previous blog post on retrieval, you should already be familiar with all of the above.

What’s new are the assistant helper functions that get called from the bot.

  • create_thread: creates a thread and returns the thread id
  • wait_for_run: waits for a thread run to complete and returns the run; used internally; never gets called from the bot code
  • check_for_tools: checks a run for required_action, performs the actions by running the functions and returning the results to the assistant API; we have two functions: hr_query and request_raise.
  • send_message: sends a message to the assistant picked up from the bot
  • return_message: picks the latest message from the messages in a thread and returns it to the bot

To get started, this is relatively easy. However, building a chat bot that does exactly what you want and refuses to do what you don’t want is not particularly easy.

Should you do this?

Combining the Bot Framework SDK with OpenAI is a well-established practice. You get the advantages of building enterprise-ready bots with the excellent conversational capabilities of LLMs. At the moment, production bots use the OpenAI chat completions API. Due to the stateless nature of that API you need to maintain the chat history and send it to the API to make it aware of the conversation so far.

As already discussed, the Assistants API is stateful. That makes it very easy to send a message and get the response. The API takes care of chat history management.

As long as the Assistants API does not offer ways to control the chat history by limiting the amount of interactions or summarising the conversation, I would not use this API in production. It’s not recommended to do that anyway because it is in preview (February 2024).

However, as soon as the API is generally available and offers chat history control, using it with the Bot Framework SDK, in my opinion, is the way to go.

For now, as a workaround, you could limit the number of interactions and present a button to start a new thread if the user wants to continue. Chat history is lost at that moment but at least the user will be aware of it.


The OpenAI Assistants API and the Bot Framework SDK are a great match to create chat bots that feel much more natural than with the Bot Framework SDK on its own. The statefulness of the assistants API makes it easier than the chat completions API.

This post did not discuss the ability to connect Bot Framework bots with an Azure Bot Service. Doing so makes it easy to add your bot to multiple channels such as Teams, SMS, a web chat control and much more. We’ll keep that for another post. Maybe! 😀

Retrieval with the Azure OpenAI Assistants API

In two previous blog posts, I wrote an introduction to the Azure OpenAI Assistants API and how to work with custom functions. In this post, we will take a look at an assistant that can answer questions about documents. We will create an HR Assistant that has access to an HR policy document. In addition, we will provide a custom function that employees can use to request a raise.


The OpenAI Assistants API (not the one in Azure) supports a retrieval tool. You can simply upload one or more documents, turn on retrieval and you are good to go. The screenshot below shows the experience on https://platform.openai.com:

Creating an HR Assistant at OpenAI

The important parts above are:

  • the Retrieval tool was enabled
  • Innovatek.pdf was uploaded, making it available to the Retrieval tool

To test the Assistant, we can ask questions in the Playground:

Asking HR-related questions

When asked about company cars, the assistant responds with content from the uploaded pdf file. After upload, OpenAI converted the document to text, chunked it and stored it in vector storage. I believe they even use Azure AI Search to do so. At query time, the vector store returns one or more pieces of text related to the question to the assistant. The assistant uses those pieces of text to answer the user’s question. It’s a typical RAG scenario. RAG stands for Retrieval Augmented Generation.

At the time of writing (February, 2024), the Azure OpenAI Assistants API did not support the retrieval tool. You can upload files but those files can only be used by the code_interpreter tool. That tool can also look in the uploaded files to answer the query but that is very unreliable and slow so it’s not recommended to use it for retrieval tasks.

Can we work around this limitation?

The Azure OpenAI Assistants API was in preview when this post was written. While in preview, limitations are expected. More tools like Web Search and Retrieval will be added as the API goes to general availability.

To work around the limitation, we can do the following ourselves:

  • load and chunk our PDF
  • store the chunks, metadata and embeddings in an in-memory vector store like Chroma
  • create a function that takes in a query and return chunks and metadata as a JSON string
  • use the Assistant API function calling feature to answer HR-related questions using that function

Let’s see how that works. The full code is here: https://github.com/gbaeke/azure-assistants-api/blob/main/files.ipynb

Getting ready

I will not repeat all code here and refer to the notebook. The first code block initialises the AzureOpenAI client with our Azure OpenAI key, endpoint and API version loaded from a .env file.

Next, we setup the Chroma vector store and load our document. The document is Innovatek.pdf in the same folder as the notebook.

If you have ever used LangChain before, this code will be familiar:

  • load the PDF with PyPDFLoader
  • create a recursive character text splitter that splits text based on paragraphs and words as much as possible; check out this notebook for more information about splitting
  • split the PDF in chunks
  • create a Chroma database from the chunks and also pass in the embedding model to use; we use the OpenAI embedding model with a deployment name of embedding; you need to ensure an embedding model with that name is deployed in your region
  • with the db created, we can use the similarity_search method to retrieve 3 chunks similar to the query Can I wear short pants? This returns an array of objects of type Document with properties like page_content and metadata.

Note that you will always get a response from this similarity search, no matter the query. Later, the assistant will decide if the response is relevant.

We can now setup a helper function to query the document(s):

We will later pass the results of this function to the assistant. The function needs to return a string, in this case a JSON dump of the documents array.

Now that we have this setup, we can create the assistant.

Creating the assistant

In the notebook, you will see some sample code that uploads a document for use with an assistant. We will not use that file but it is what you would do to make the file available to the retrieval tool.

In the client.beta.assistants.create method, we provide instructions to tell the assistant what to do. For example, to use the hr_query function to answer HR related questions.

The tools parameter shows how you can provide functions and tools in code rather than in the portal. In our case, we define the following:

  • the request_raise function: allows the user to request a raise, the assistant should ask the user’s name if it does not know; in the real world, you would use a form of authentication in your app to identify the user
  • the hr_query function: performs a similarity search with Chroma as discussed above; it calls our helper function hr_query
  • the code_interpreter tool: needed to avoid errors because I uploaded a file and supply the file ids via the file_ids parameter.

If you check the notebook, you should indeed see a file_ids parameter. When the retrieval tool becomes available, this is how you provide access to the uploaded files. Simply uploading a file is not enough, you need to reference it. Instead of providing the file ids in the assistant, you can also provide them during a thread run.

⚠️ Note that we don’t need the file upload, code_interpreter and file_ids. They are provided as an example of what you would do when the retrieval tool is available.

Creating a thread and adding a message

If you have read the other posts, this will be very familiar. Check the notebook for more information. You can ask any question you want by simply changing the content parameter in the client.beta.threads.messages.create method.

When you run the cell that adds the message, check the run’s model dump. It should indicate that hr_query needs to be called with the question as a parameter. Note that the model can slightly change the parameter from the original question.

⚠️ Depending on the question, the assistant might not call the function. Try a question that is unrelated to HR and see what happens. Even some HR-related questions might be missed. To avoid that, the user can be precise and state the question is HR related.

Call function(s) when necessary

The code block below calls the hr_query or request_raise function when indicated by the assistant’s underlying model. For request_raise we simply return a string result. No real function gets called.

After running this code in response to the user question about company cars, let’s see what the result is:

Assistant response

The assistant comes up with this response after retrieving several pieces of text from the Chroma query. With the retrieval tool, the response would be similar with one big advantage. The retrieval tool would include sources in its response for you to display however you want. Above, I have simply asked the model to include the sources. The model will behave slightly differently each time unless you give clear instructions about the response format.

Retrieval and large amounts of documents

The retrieval tool of the Assistants API is not built to deal with massive amounts of data. The number of documents and sizes of those documents are limited.

In enterprise scenarios with large knowledge bases, you would use your own search indexes and a data processing pipeline to store your content in these indexes. For Azure customers, the indexes will probably be stored in Azure AI Search, which supports hybrid (text & vector) search plus semantic reranking to come up with the most relevant results.


The Azure OpenAI Assistants API will make it very easy to retrieve content from a limited amount of uploaded documents once the retrieval tool is added to the API.

To work around the missing retrieval tool today, you can use a simple vector storage solution and a custom function to achieve similar results.

Using tools with the Azure OpenAI Assistants API


In a previous blog post, I wrote an introduction about the Azure OpenAI Assistants API. As an example, I created an assistant that had access to the Code Interpreter tool. You can find the code here.

In this post, we will provide the assistant with custom tools. These custom tools use the function calling features of more recent GPT models. As a result, these custom tools are called functions in the Assistants API. What’s in a name right?

There are a couple of steps you need to take for this to work:

  • Create an assistant and give it a name and instructions.
  • Define one or more functions in the assistant. Functions are defined in JSON. You need to provide good descriptions for the function and all of its parameters.
  • In your code, detect when the model chooses one or more functions that should be executed.
  • Execute the functions and pass the results to the model to get a final response that uses the function results.

From the above, it should be clear that the model, gpt-3.5-turbo or gpt-4, does not call your code. It merely proposes functions and their parameters in response to a user question.

For instance, if the user asks “Turn on the light in the living room”, the model will check if there is a function that can do that. If there is, it might propose to call function set-lamp with parameters such as the lamp name and maybe a state like true or false. This is illustrated in the diagram below when the call to the function succeeds.

Assistant Function Calling Flow

Creating the assistant in Azure OpenAI Playground

Unlike the previous post, the assistant will be created in Azure OpenAI Playground. Our code will then use the assistant using its unique identifier. In the Azure OpenAI Playground, the Assistant looks like below:

Home Assistant in the portal

Let’s discuss the numbers in the diagram:

  1. Once you save the assistant, you get its ID. The ID will be used in our code later
  2. Assistant name
  3. Assistant instructions: description of what the assistant can do, that it has functions, and how it should behave; you will probably need to experiment with this to let the assistant do exactly what you want
  4. Two function definitions: set_lamp and set_lamp_brightness
  5. You can test the functions in the chat panel. When the assistant detects that a function needs to be called, it will propose the function and its parameters and ask you to provide a result. The result you type is then used to formulate a response like The living room lamp has been turned on.

Let’s take a look at the function definition for set_lamp:

The other function is similar but the second parameter is an integer between 0 and 100. When you notice your function does not get called, or the parameters are wrong, you should try to improve the description of both the function and each of the parameters. The underlying GPT model uses these descriptions to try and match a user question to one or more functions.

Let’s look at some code. See https://github.com/gbaeke/azure-assistants-api/blob/main/func.ipynb for the example notebook.

Using the assistant from your code

We start with an Azure OpenAI client, as discussed in the previous post.

Creating a thread and adding a message

We will add the following message to a new thread: “Turn living room lamp and kitchen lamp on. Set both lamps to half brightness.“.

The model should propose multiple functions to be called in a certain order. The expected order is:

  • turn on living room lamp
  • turn on kitchen lamp
  • set living room brightness to 50
  • set kitchen brightness to 50

After creating the thread and adding a message, we use a slightly different approach to check the status of the run. The wait_for_run function keeps running as long as the status is either queued or in_progress. When it is not, the run is returned. When we are done waiting, we dump the run as JSON.

Here is where it gets interesting. A run has many properties like created_at, model and more. I our case, we expect a response that indicates we need to take action by running one or more functions. This is indicated by the presence of the required_action property. It actually will ask for tool outputs and will present a list of tool calls to perform (tool, function, whatever… 😀). Here’s a JSON snippet as part of the run JSON dump:

Above it’s clear that the assistant wants you to submit a tool output for multiple functions. Only the first two are shown:

  • Function set_lamp with arguments for lamp and state as “living room” and ‘true”
  • Function set_lamp with arguments for lamp and state as “kitchen” and ‘true”
  • The other two functions propose set_lamp_brightness for both lamps with brightness set to 50

Defining the functions

Our code will need some real functions to call that actually do something. In this example, we use these two dummy functions. In reality, you could integrate this with Hue or other smart lighting. In fact, I have something like that: https://github.com/gbaeke/openai_assistant.

Here are the dummy functions:

The functions should return a string that the model can interpret. Be as concise as possible to save tokens…💰

Doing the tool/function calls

In the next code block, we check if the run requires action, get the tool calls we need to do and then iterate through the tool_calls array. At each iteration we check the function name, call the function and add the result to a results array. The results array is then passed to the model. Check out the code below and its comments:

At the end, we dump both the run and the messages JSON. The messages should indicate some final response from the model. To print the messages in a nicer way, you can use the following code:

In my case, the output was as follows:

Question and final model response (after getting tool call results)

I set make_error to True. In that case, the tool responses indicate an error at every call. The model reports that back to the user.

What makes this unique?

Function calling is not unique to the Assistants API. Function calling is a feature of more recent GPT models, to allow those models to propose one or more function to call from your code. You can simply use the Chat Completion API to pass in your function descriptions in JSON.

If you use frameworks like Semantic Kernel or LangChain, you can use function calling with the abstractions that they provide. In most cases that means you do not have to create the function JSON description. Instead, you just write your functions in native code and annotate them as a tool or make them part of a plugin. You can then pass a list of tools to an agent or plugins to a kernel and you’re done! In fact, LangChain (and soon Semantic Kernel) already supports the Assistant API.

One of the advantages that the Assistants API has, is the ability to define all your functions within the assistant. You can do that with code but also via the portal. The Assistants API also makes it a bit simpler to process the tool responses although the difference is not massive.

Being able to test your functions in the Assistant Playground is a big benefit as well.


Function calling in the Assistants API is not very different from function calling in the Chat Completion API. It’s nice you can create and update your function definitions in the portal and directly try them in the chat panel. Working with the tool calls and tool responses is also a bit easier.

A look at the Azure OpenAI Assistants API


A while ago, I looked at the OpenAI Assistants API. In February of 2024, Microsoft have released their Assistants API in public preview. It works in the same way as the OpenAI Assistants API while being able to use it with Azure OpenAI models, deployed to a region of your choice.

The goal of the Assistants API is to make it easier for developers to create applications with copilot-like experiences. It should be easier to provide the assistant with extra knowledge or allow the assistant to interact with the world by calling external APIs.

If you have ever created a chat-based copilot with the standard Azure OpenAI chat completions API, you know that it is stateless. It does not know about the conversation history. As a developer, you have to maintain and manage conversation history and pass it to the completions API. With the Assistants API, that is not necessary. The API is stateful. Conversation history is automatically managed via threads. There is no need to manage conversation state to ensure you do not break the model’s context window limits.

In addition to threads, the Assistants API also supports tools. One of these tools is Code Interpreter, a sandboxed Python environment that can help solving complex questions. If you are a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, you should know that tool already. Code Interpreter is often used to solve math questions, something that LLMs are not terribly good at. However, it is not limited to math. Next to Code Interpreter, you can define your own functions. A function could call an API that queries a database that returns the results to the assistant.

Before diving into a code example you should understand the following components:

  • Assistant: custom AI with Azure OpenAI models that have access to files and tools
  • Thread: conversation between the assistant and the user
  • Message: message created by the assistant or a user; a message does not have to be text; it could be an image or a file; messages are stored on a thread
  • Run: you run a thread to illicit a response from the model; for instance if you just placed a user question on the thread and you run the thread, the model can respond with text or perform a tool call
  • Run Step: detailed list of steps the assistant took as part of a run; this could include a tools call

Enough talk, let’s look at some code. The code can be found on GitHub in a Python notebook: https://github.com/gbaeke/azure-assistants-api/blob/main/getting-started.ipynb

Initialising the OpenAI client and creating the assistant

We will use a .env file to load the Azure OpenAI API key, the endpoint and the API version. You will need an Azure OpenAI resource in a supported region such as Sweden Central. The API version should be 2024-02-15-preview.

Above, we create an assistant with the client.beta.assistant.create method. Indeed, OpenAI Assistants as developed by OpenAI are still in beta so the OpenAI library reflects that.

Note that an assistant is given specific instructions and, in this case, a tool. We will use the built-in Code Interpreter tool. It can help us solving math questions, including the generation of plots.

Ensure that the model refers to a deployed model in your region. I use the gpt-4-turbo preview here.

Note that the assistants you create are shown in the Azure OpenAI Assistant Playground. For example, I created the Math Assistant a few times by running the same code:

Assistants in Azure Open AI Studio

When you click on one of the assistants, it opens in the Assistant Playground. In that playground, you can start chatting right away. For example:

Chatting with the Assistant

In the screenshot above, I have asked the assistant to plot a sinus wave. It explains how it did that because that is what the Instructions tell the assistant to do. At the end, Code Interpreter creates the plot and generates an image file. That image file is picked up in the playground and displayed.

Also note the panel on the right with API instructions. You can click on those instructions to execute them and see the JSON response.

Note that you can reuse an assistant by simply using its id. You can also create the assistant directly in the portal. You do not have to create it in code, like we are doing.

Let’s now create a thread in code and ask some math questions.

Creating a thread and adding a message

Below, a thread is created which results in a thread id. Subsequently, a message is added to the thread with role set to user. This is the first user question in the thread.

The JSON dump of the messages contains a data array. In our case the single item in the data array contains a content array next to other information such as role, the thread id, the creation timestamp and more. The content array can contain multiple pieces of content of different types. In this case, we simply have the user question which is of type text.

Running the thread

A message on a thread is great but does not do all that much. We want a response from the assistant. In order to get a response, we need to run the thread:

The run is where the assistant and the thread come together via their ids. As you can probably tell, the run does not directly return the result. You need to check the run status yourself and act accordingly.

When the status is completed, the run was successful. That means that there should be some response from the assistant.

Interpreting the messages after the run

After a completed run in response to a message with role = user, there should be a response from the model. There are all sorts of responses, including responses that indicate you should run a function. Our assistant does not have custom functions defined so the response can be one of the following:

  • a response from the model without using Code Interpreter
  • a response from the model, interpreting the response from Code Interpreter and possibly including images and text

Note that you do not have to call Code Interpreter specifically. The assistant will decide to use Code Interpreter (you can also be explicit) and use the Code Interpreter response in its final answer.

The code below shows one way of dealing with the assistant response:

Above, the following happens:

  • all messages from the thread are retrieved: this includes the original user question in addition to the assistant response; the later responses are first in the array
  • we loop through the reversed array and check for a content field: if there is a content field (an array) we loop over that and check for a text or image_file field
  • if we find content of type text, we display it with markdown (we are using a Notebook here)
  • if we find content of type image_file, we retrieve the image from Azure OpenAI using its files API and display it in the notebook with some help of PIL.

Here is the response I got in my notebook. Note that there are only two messages. The assistant response contains two pieces of content.

All messages in the thread visualised from 1st to last

Follow-up questions

One of the advantages of the Assistants API is that we do not have to maintain chat history. We only have to add follow-up questions to the thread and run it again. Below is the model response after adding this question: “Is this a concave function?”:

Response to a follow-up question

Above, I print the entire thread in reverse order again. The answer of the assistant is that this is clearly not a concave function but a convex one.

You should know that at present (February 2024), the Assistants API simply tries to fit the messages in the model’s context window. If the context window is large, long conversations might cost you a lot in tokens. At present, there is no way that I know of to change this mechanism. OpenAI, and Microsoft, are planning to add some extra capabilities. For example:

  • control token count regardless of the chosen model (e.g. set token count to 2000 even if the model allows for 8000)
  • generate summaries of previous messages and pass the summaries as context during a thread run

In most production applications that are used at scale, you really need to control token usage by managing chat history meticulously. Today, that is only possible with the chat completions API and/or abstractions on top of it like LangChain.


With the arrival of the Assistants API in Azure OpenAI, it is easier to write assistants that work with tools like Code Interpreter or custom functions. This post has focused on the basics of using the API with only the Code Interpreter tool.

In follow-up posts, we will look at custom functions and how to work with uploaded files.

Keep in mind that this is all in public preview and should not be used in production.

Deploy a flow created in Prompt Flow with Docker

Update: this post used an older version of Prompt Flow at the time. It had some issues with building and running the Docker image without issues. In version 1.5.0, it should work fine because the Dockerfile now also installs gcc.

In the previous post, we created a flow with Prompt Flow in Visual Studio Code. The Prompt Flow extension for VS Code has a visual flow editor to test the flow. You simply provide the input and click the Run button. When the flow is finished, the result can be seen in the Outputs node, including a trace of the flow:

Running a flow in Prompt Flow

Now it’s time to deploy the flow. One of the options is creating a container image with Docker.

Before we start, we will first convert this flow into a chat flow. Chat does not make much sense for this flow. However, the Docker container includes a UI to run your flow via a chat interface. You will also be able to test your flow locally in a web app.

Convert the flow to a chat flow

To convert the flow to a chat flow, enable chat mode and add chat_history to the Inputs node:

Enable chat

To include the chat history in your conversations, modify the .jinja2 template in the LLM node:

Enabling chat history allows you to loop over its content and reconstruct the user/assistant interactions before adding the most recent description. When you run the flow, you get:

Running a chat flow

The third option will give you a GUI to test your flow:

Interactive run

As you can probably tell, this requires Streamlit. The first time you run this flow, check the terminal for instructions about the packages to install. When you are finished, press CTRL-C in the terminal.

Now that we know the chat flow works, we can create the Docker image.

⚠️ Important: a chat flow is not required to build the Docker image; we only add it here to illustrate the user interface that the Docker image can present to the user; you can always call your flow using a HTTP endpoint, chat flow or not

Generating the Docker image

Before creating the Docker image, ensure your Python requirements.txt file in your flow’s folder has the following content:

We need promptflow-tools to support tools like the embedding tool in the container. We also need azure-search-documents to use in the custom Python tool.

To build the flow as a Docker image, you should be able to use the build icon and select Build as Docker:

Build icon

However, in my case, that did not result in any output to build a Docker image. This is a temporary issue from the 1.6 version of the extension and will be fixed. For now, I recommend building the image with the command line tool:

I ran the following command in my flow folder:

That resulted in a docker folder like below:

Output from pf flow build

Note that this copies your flow’s files to a flow folder under the docker folder. Ensure that requirements.txt in the docker/flow folder matches requirements.txt in your original flow folder (it should).

You can now cd into the Docker folder and run the following command. Don’t forget the . at the end:

In my case, I used:

After running the above command, you might get an error. I got: ERROR: failed to solve... I fixed that by modifying the Docker file. Move the RUN apt-get line above the RUN conda create line and add gcc:

After this modification, the docker build command ran successfully.

Running the image

The image contains the connections you created. Remember we created an Azure OpenAI connection and a custom connection. Connections contain both config and secrets. Although the config is available in the image, the secrets are not. You need to provide the secrets as environment variables.

You can find the names of the environment variables in the settings.json file:

Run the container as shown below and replace OPENAIKEY and AISEARCHKEY with the key to your Azure OpenAI resource and Azure AI Search resource. In the container, the code listens on port 8080 so we map that port to port 8080 on the host:

When you run the above command, you get the following output (some parts removed):

You should now be able to send requests to the score endpoint. The screenshot below shows a .http file with the call config and result:

Calling the flow via the container’s score endpoint

When you browse to http://localhost:8080, you get a chat interface like the one below:

Chat UI served by Docker container

In my case, the chat UI did not work. Although I could enter a description and press ENTER, I did not see the response. In the background, the flow was triggered, just the response was missing. Remember that these features, and Prompt Flow on your local machine are still experimental at the time of writing (December 2023). They will probably change quite a lot in the future or have changed by the time you read this.


Although you can create a flow in the cloud and deploy that flow to an online endpoint, you might want more control over the deployment. Developing the flow locally and building a container image gives you that control. Once the image is built and pushed to a container registry, you can deploy to your environment of choice. That could be Kubernetes, Azure Container Apps or any other environment that supports containers.